An unofficial site recording the results and player stats of the Tigers.

Ashton United

Club Information

GroundHurst Cross
AddressSurrey Street, Ashton Under Lyne, Lancashire. OL6 8DY
Telephone0161-339 4158
DirectionsFrom the M60 (approx 2.5 miles); Exit at Junction 23, take A635 for Ashton town centre Follow by-pass to B6194 Mossley Road. At traffic lights turn left into Queens Road Continue onto B6194 Lees Road Turn left at the stone cross memorial and 1st right into the ground.
Nearest StationAshton Under Lyne

Hyde's record against Ashton United

See also Hurst; click here for combined stats

 PlayedHyde WinDrawAshton U winHyde GoalsAshton U Goals
At Hyde492313139573
At Ashton U492012178574
Neutral venue300327
DateOpponentCompAttResultHyde Scorers 
02/11/2024Ashton U (H)NPL P812  1-1Redshaw (26) Details
01/01/2024Ashton U (H)NPL P986  2-2Ditchfield (23), Bunn (65) Details
28/08/2023Ashton U (A)NPL P641  1-2Makoli (26) Details
02/01/2023Ashton U (A)NPL P703  6-0Pratt (4, 79), Tongue (33), Fearnley (43, 63), Mampala (47) Details
29/08/2022Ashton U (H)NPL P855  0-1 Details
11/04/2022Ashton U (N)MPC963  0-1 Details
02/04/2022Ashton U (A)NPL P575  3-0Dyche (8, 51), Pratt (18) Details
20/11/2021Ashton U (H)NPL P686  2-1Tongue (45, 66) Details
28/09/2019Ashton U (H)NPL P552  3-3Turner (14, 18), Tongue (53) Details
28/03/2016Ashton U (H)NPL P446  0-4 Details
27/02/2016Ashton U (A)NPL P302  0-3 Details
11/02/2008Ashton U (H)MPC178  3-2aetWharton (8), Seddon (46, 97) Details
14/02/2005Ashton U (A)MPC197  4-3aetMilligan (11, 97 pen), Tolson (25), Dean (83) Details
27/04/2004Ashton U (A)PO  1-2aetTolson (17) Details
17/02/2004Ashton U (A)MPC250  1-2Hill (31) Details
29/09/2003Ashton U (H)FAC489  1-2Buckley (81) Details
27/09/2003Ashton U (A)FAC446  1-1Wright (69) Details
21/04/2003Ashton U (H)NPL P  1-1Foster Details
16/11/2002Ashton U (A)NPL P353  1-2Foster (56) Details
27/11/2001Ashton U (A)NPL LC  3-6Obong (4), Howard (18), Rowe (87) Details
27/11/2000Ashton U (A)NPL LC216  4-3Yeo (30, 68), Hanson (64), Wilkinson (75) Details
01/03/1997Ashton U (A)FAT1190  0-2 Details
23/10/1995Ashton U (H)NPL LC446  3-1Tobin (57), Nolan (58 pen), Little (75) Details
13/03/1995Ashton U (A)MPC515  4-2Kimmins (30, 42), Camilleri (39), Donnelly (90) Details
31/03/1994Ashton U (H)MPC324  3-0Nolan (53, 81), Thornton (83) Details
23/03/1987Ashton U (A)LFT  3-0Rudge (2 goals), Wagstaffe Details
23/02/1987Ashton U (H)LFT  3-0Lutkevitch, O'Connor (2 goals) Details
17/09/1984Ashton U (H)FAC  2-4Lees, Timmons Details
15/09/1984Ashton U (A)FAC  0-0 Details
19/04/1982Ashton U (H)CCL  2-0Golder (pen), Daniels Details
03/04/1982Ashton U (A)CCL  3-1Coyne, Golder (pen), Oghani Details
28/02/1981Ashton U (A)CCL  1-0Culley Details
15/12/1980Ashton U (H)CCL  1-1Holt Details
26/04/1980Ashton U (A)CCL000  0-0 Details
07/04/1980Ashton U (H)CCL000  0-0 Details
01/09/1979Ashton U (H)FAC  1-3Johnson Details
21/03/1979Ashton U (A)CCL  2-1Pearson (2, 30) Details
28/08/1978Ashton U (H)CCL  0-3 Details
13/05/1978Ashton U (H)REP  1-3O'Brien Details
24/04/1978Ashton U (A)MSC  0-2 Details
10/04/1978Ashton U (H)MSC  1-0Goulding Details
18/03/1978Ashton U (H)CCL  1-1Holt (pen) Details
05/11/1977Ashton U (A)CCL  1-1Holt (pen) Details
27/04/1977Ashton U (A)REP  1-0Pearson Details
18/04/1977Ashton U (H)REP  0-0 Details
07/02/1977Ashton U (A)CCL  0-0 Details
18/09/1976Ashton U (H)FAC  4-1Bennett, Cooke, O'Brien, Collins Details
30/08/1976Ashton U (H)CCL  5-2O'Brien, Johnson (3 goals), Johnson Details
02/05/1976Ashton U (H)REP  3-2Turner, Johnson, Healey (pen) Details
21/04/1976Ashton U (A)REP  1-1O'Brien Details
13/03/1976Ashton U (H)CCL  1-1Own Goal Details
15/12/1975Ashton U (A)CCL  1-1Fitzsimmons Details
17/03/1975Ashton U (H)REP  2-1Shaw, McConnell Details
08/02/1975Ashton U (A)CCL  0-1 Details
20/01/1975Ashton U (A)REP  4-2Johnson (3 goals), Hadfield Details
12/01/1975Ashton U (H)CLCC  0-2 Details
11/11/1974Ashton U (H)NWFL  3-1Johnson, Lennon, Kirk Details
28/09/1974Ashton U (H)CCL  1-0Johnson Details
19/08/1974Ashton U (A)CLCC  0-0 Details
12/11/1973Ashton U (A)NWFL  2-2O'Brien, Grabner Details
22/10/1973Ashton U (H)NWFL  1-3Clarke Details
20/10/1973Ashton U (H)CCL  4-1Smallwood, O'Brien (2 goals), Kirk Details
13/10/1973Ashton U (A)FAT  2-1Wilde (pen), McDermott Details
18/08/1973Ashton U (A)CCL  3-1Wilde, Smallwood, Dove Details
11/05/1973Ashton U (H)REP  1-0O'Brien Details
02/05/1973Ashton U (A)REP  2-1Hallsworth, Delaney Details
15/03/1973Ashton U (A)REP  0-2 Details
29/01/1973Ashton U (H)REP  0-0 Details
16/10/1972Ashton U (A)CLCC  5-1Greenhalgh (pen), Haughton, Delaney, Clarke (2 goals) Details
12/10/1972Ashton U (A)FAC  1-2aetOwn Goal Details
09/10/1972Ashton U (H)FAC  2-2aetGreenhalgh (pen), Clarke Details
07/10/1972Ashton U (A)FAC  1-1O'Brien Details
25/09/1972Ashton U (H)CLCC  3-3Hallsworth (2 goals), Haughton (pen) Details
28/08/1972Ashton U (A)CCL  3-2Haughton, Hallsworth, Fitzsimmons Details
14/08/1972Ashton U (H)CCL  4-2Dey (2 goals), Lawton (2 goals) Details
15/04/1972Ashton U (H)CCL  1-2McQueen Details
25/10/1971Ashton U (H)FAC  3-1Hazelhurst, McQueen, Sandiford Details
23/10/1971Ashton U (A)FAC  2-2Haughton, McQueen Details
06/09/1971Ashton U (A)CCL  1-1O'Brien Details
19/12/1970Ashton U (H)CCL  0-2 Details
28/11/1970Ashton U (A)CCL  1-5Own Goal Details
15/04/1966Ashton U (H)MIC  1-3Smith Details
26/10/1959Ashton U (A)ASH  1-0Grey Details
23/04/1959Ashton U (H)MIC  1-2Smith Details
12/12/1956Ashton U (H)MIC  5-1Barber, Morrissey, Rogers (2 goals), Lansley Details
12/03/1956Ashton U (A)L&CFC  3-2Bates, Webster (2 goals) Details
02/01/1956Ashton U (H)ASH  3-0Morrissey, Hilton (2 goals) Details
29/04/1955Ashton U (A)ASH  0-1McLeod, Bates, Own Goal Details
28/04/1955Ashton U (H)ASH  3-3Williams (2 goals) Details
28/03/1955Ashton U (A)L&CFC  3-1Webster (2 goals), Lansley Details
08/05/1954Ashton U (N)MCFAS  1-3Cox Details
17/04/1952Ashton U (A)ASH  2-3Wood, Williams Details
08/05/1951Ashton U (N)ASH  1-3Campbell Details
29/04/1949Ashton U (A)ASH  2-0Cooper (2 goals) Details
18/09/1948Ashton U (H)FAC  2-1Mycock, Lovery Details
29/03/1948Ashton U (A)CCL  1-2Lovery Details
26/12/1947Ashton U (H)CCL  2-0Lovery, Hazeldene Details
02/09/1947Ashton U (H)CLCC  6-2Lovery, Howe (3 goals), Butterworth (2 goals) Details
07/04/1947Ashton U (H)CCL  3-2Trentham, Lovery, Graham Details
26/12/1946Ashton U (A)CCL  2-3Trentham, Bond Details
03/09/1946Ashton U (A)CLCC  2-3Richardson, Lovery Details

* = Won on penalties
^ = Lost on penalties

Biggest Hyde win: 6-0 on 02 January 2023
Biggest Hyde defeat: 1-5 on 28 November 1970

Most appearances v Ashton U
Peter O'Brien23
Jack Hewitt19
Jimmy Lomas18
Johnny Taylor18
Eric Fitzsimmons17
Pete Hadfield16
David Elder14
Paul Bennett14
Steve Johnson14
Jack Dobson14
Micky Haughton13
David Holt13
Ian Greenhalgh13
Paul Fitzgerald12
Jeff Johnson12
Alan Clarke12
David Constantine12
John Cooke10 (1)
Stuart Kirk9 (2)
Geoff McDermott10
Jimmy Hallsworth9
Jimmy Lovery8
Eric Dey8
Tony Steenson8
Barry Howard8
Ray Perry7
Harry Ditchfield7
Callum Spooner7
Colin Darcy7
Jimmy Richardson7
Bradley Roscoe7
Eddie Bond7
Ian McQueen7
1972 Delaney7
Jordan Fagbola6
Neil Colbourne6
John Gaynor6
Paul Jones5 (1)
1976 Tutty6
1950 Shore6
Tom Pratt6
Mike Phoenix5
Jack Redshaw4 (1)
Alan Goulding5
Joe Lansley5
George Oghani5
Gary Ablott5
Danny Healey5
1975 Leech5
Fred Pye5
Tony Morrissey5
Alan Rogers5
Sam Walker5
John Gannon5
David Wilde5
Gary Collins4 (1)
Barry Hazelhurst4 (1)
John O'Kane5
Neil Tolson5
Matty McNeil5
Phil Salt4 (1)
Craig Buckley4 (1)
Tony Unsworth4
S McLeod4
David Bates4
Eric Webster4
1974 Lennon3 (1)
Liam Tongue4
Simon Farrell4
Len Brickell4
Martin Dunkerley4
Harold Barber4
Barry Smallwood4
Rudi Mancini4
Jimmy Golder4
Frank Pearson4
Mick Lacey4
GK Foulkes4
Dougie Trentham4
David Nolan4
Ged Kimmins4
Tim Mullock3
John Popland3
Steve Foster2 (1)
Ray Charter3
Ronnie Grabner3
1974 Lewis3
1973 Smith3
Ralph Darlington3
Kyle Brownhill3
Gary Blore3
Gus Wilson3
Paul McMahon3
Joe Green3
Paul Hudders3
Dale Johnson3
Don Graham3
Mike Turner3
Javid Swaby-Neavin3
Jim Clark3
Matthew Fearnley2 (1)
Joel Amado3
Peter Band3
Darren Pybus2 (1)
Gordon Clark3
Nicky Hill3
Adam Dawson1 (2)
Eddie Birchall3
Bobby Walton2
Andreas Bianga2
Dave Swanick2
Anthony Kielthy2
Andrew Pearson2
Paul Brears2
Steve Tobin1 (1)
Tony Ellis0 (2)
Adam M Jones2
John K Hazeldene2
John Baker2
Steven Clegg2
Carl Barrowclough0 (2)
Kieran Delaney1 (1)
1950 Cooper2
Ian Sandiford1 (1)
1974 Crossland2
Les Sutton2
GK1970 Percival2
1976 Thorley2
John Foster1 (1)
Anthony Wright2
Matty Taylor2
Dale Hawtin2
Tony Watts0 (2)
Lee Evans1 (1)
Don Phillips2
Geoff Fry2
Ayrton Bevins2
Ian Pendlebury2
Billy Reeves2
Ben Holmes2
1950 McConnell2
Zeekell Parkes0 (2)
1970 Kirk1 (1)
Stuart Young2
Brian Parkinson2
Jack Hilton2
Harry Bunn1 (1)
Shakeel Jones-Griffiths2
Malcolm O'Connor2
Arthur Williams2
Malcolm Wagstaffe2
Simon Rudge2
Andy Kilner2
Chris Hewitt1 (1)
Mal Bailey2
Steve Waywell2
Jimmy Clayton2
Paul Knight2
Dave Lees2
Jonah Mitchell1 (1)
Steve Saunders2
Harry Pratt0 (2)
Lewis Earl2
Jack Sherratt0 (2)
Eddie Brown2
Ryan White1 (1)
Tayt Trusty2
Sam Peplow2
Colin Little2
Terry Megram2
Antoine Makoli2
Lewis Alessandra1 (1)
Aaron Fleming1 (1)
John Timmons2
Colin Lanigan0 (2)
Tony Carroll2
Wayne Dean1 (1)
Billy Garton1 (1)
Chris Lynch2
John Evans2
Martin Stevens2
Carl Culley2
Val Owen2
Graham Holder2
Terry Cook2
Gary Henshaw2
Jack Dyche2
Peter Coyne1 (1)
Kevin Glendon2
Jason Gallagher2
Brian Griffin0 (2)
Luke Hutchinson1
Jordan Lazenbury0 (1)
C Roberts1
Sonny Whittingham1
Drew Baker0 (1)
Les Battrick1
Edy Maieco0 (1)
Manasse Mampala1
Dan Atherton1
Connor Heath0 (1)
Curtis Morrison0 (1)
Eric Lowery1
Will Russ1
Callum Hiddleston1
Fred Foster1
F Urmson1
R Urmson1
Ayo Quadri1
E Parker1
Lewis Thompson1
Sam Waller1
Bailey Thompson0 (1)
Ewan Bange1
Josh Doherty1
Frank Spencer1
Jack Byrne1
Ben Kershaw1
Cain Noble0 (1)
Harry Benns0 (1)
Daniel O'Brien0 (1)
Paddy Lane1
Edward Elewa-Ikpakwu1
James Jones1
Krisel Prifti1
Daniel Turner1
Martyn Woolford1
Jacko Hardacre1
Luke Mewitt1
J Harrison1
Oran Thompson1
Alex Mortimer1
John Williamson1
GK Capewell1
Ian Mitchell1
Jimmy Elms1
Ciaran Summers1
Roy Wilford1
Andy Waine1
Jason Akiotu0 (1)
Cameron Fogarty1
GK Walker1
Jamie Milligan1
K Taylor1
George Pratt0 (1)
Giosue Bellagambi 1
Roy Baker1
Mike Lutkevitch1
Ryan Hevicon1
Colin Jackson1
Kevin Hulme1
Steve Guest1
Larry Farren1
Dave Lutkevitch1
George Shepherd1
John Kilner1
Gareth Seddon1
Chris Simm1
Nicky Clee1
Danny Holland0 (1)
Chris Cooke0 (1)
Matthew Tipton0 (1)
Jim Clarke1
Phil Marsden1
78/79 Sumner1
Mick Lampard1
1979 Whittaker1
Matthew Wright1
1979 Knight1
Peter Crookes1
1978 Seddon1
Dominic Crookes1
Gary Riley0 (1)
Barney Daniels1
Julian Ward1
Steven Ferguson1
David Linighan1
John Carter1
Phil Parry1
Steve Bushell1
Nathan Wharton1
Tom Brookes0 (1)
Rick Whelan0 (1)
Jason Lydiate1
George Switzer1
Iain McLellan1
Matt Booth0 (1)
Paul Cox0 (1)
Mark Sertori1
Paul Williams1
Andy Reid1
Martin Jones1
Lutel James1
Vince Brockie0 (1)
Simon Coleman1
David Fish1
Gordon Tucker1
Colin Murphy1
Andy Graham1
Darren Thornton1
Phil Chadwick1
Craig Dootson1
David Morley1
Steve Pickford1
Brendan Hudson1
Alan Waugh1
Jason Donnelly1
Tony Camilleri1
Mark Leacock0 (1)
Simon Marsh1
Jez Rowson1
Ian Callaghan1
Lee Wilkinson0 (1)
Carl Laurie1
Glyn Barker0 (1)
1972GK White1
Rod Lawton1
1972 Wolstenholme1
Harvey Purcer0 (1)
J Wood1
1950 GK Teece1
Steve Lyons1
Josh Howard1
Martin Knowles1
Ben Obong1
Chris Young1
Tony Dove1
Paul Ashwell1
Billy Bell1
1950 Taylor1
Charlie Campbell1
GK Roxburgh1
1951 Williams1
Alex Hamilton1
GK McBarrie1
Ron Wood1
1951 Baines1
Ray Pither1
1950 Worthington1
1950 GK Grimshaw1
1950 Fletcher1
1952 Greenwood1
W Jones1
1975 McConnell1
1974 Shaw1
Jordan Snodin1
Laurie Bell1
Reece Gray1
Phattaraphol 'Big' Khamsuk1
Ryan Ellison1
Kieran Harrison1
Pete Boyle0 (1)
Sam Vince1
Paul Robertson1
Simon Yeo1
David Hanson1
1976 Osbourne1
Neil Hall1
Mark Beeston1
1976 Chapman1
James Burke1
Sam Fitton1
1974 Byrom1
Gareth Liddle1
Joe Dean1
Lee Matthews1
1975 Ash1
1974 Whitaker1
Gavin Salmon1
Gareth Rowe0 (1)
Graham Bennett1
Mick Turner1
1978 Fingleton1
Mark Turner1
1976 Riley1
1977 Crossfield1
Most goals v Ashton U
Peter O'Brien10
Jeff Johnson9
Jimmy Lovery6
Eric Webster4
Jimmy Hallsworth4
Micky Haughton4
Liam Tongue4
Alan Clarke4
Ian McQueen3
Tom Pratt3
David Nolan3
David Holt3
Frank Pearson3
Barry Smallwood2
David Bates2
Malcolm O'Connor2
Simon Yeo2
Simon Rudge2
Ian Greenhalgh2
Dougie Trentham2
1972 Delaney2
Daniel Turner2
Eric Fitzsimmons2
Eric Dey2
Steve Foster2
Jimmy Golder2
Rod Lawton2
Jack Dyche2
Stuart Kirk2
Matthew Fearnley2
Jamie Milligan2
Ged Kimmins2
Neil Tolson2
David Wilde2
Tony Morrissey2
Steve Johnson2
Alan Rogers2
1950 Cooper2
Joe Lansley2
Jack Hilton2
Gareth Seddon2
Josh Howard1
Mike Lutkevitch1
Paul Bennett1
Tony Dove1
John K Hazeldene1
Gareth Rowe1
John Cooke1
Gary Collins1
S McLeod1
David Hanson1
Malcolm Wagstaffe1
Mike Turner1
Lee Wilkinson1
Dave Lees1
Danny Healey1
Eddie Bond1
Nicky Hill1
John Timmons1
1974 Lennon1
Jimmy Richardson1
Steve Tobin1
Barney Daniels1
1973 Smith1
Peter Coyne1
Pete Hadfield1
Barry Hazelhurst1
Colin Little1
George Oghani1
1974 Shaw1
Ian Sandiford1
Manasse Mampala1
1975 McConnell1
Charlie Campbell1
Harold Barber1
Antoine Makoli1
Tony Camilleri1
Carl Culley1
Ron Wood1
Harry Ditchfield1
Wayne Dean1
Jason Donnelly1
Alan Goulding1
Geoff McDermott1
1951 Williams1
Harry Bunn1
Anthony Wright1
Darren Thornton1
Jack Redshaw1
Craig Buckley1
Nathan Wharton1
Ronnie Grabner1
Ben Obong1

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