An unofficial site recording the results and player stats of the Tigers.


From this page, you can view statistics about Hyde players past and present, details of Hyde's match history against other teams, Hyde's record in all competitions, and much more.

Player History
View the career history of Hyde players, past and present. Choose a player from the list below and click 'View Player'. The dates in brackets show when the player was at the club.

Opponent History
Below you will find a list of every team that Hyde has played. Choose a team and click 'View Opponent' to see details of matches between the clubs.

The list below contains a rundown of all the competitions, both league and cup, which Hyde have participated in. Click 'View Competition' to see Hyde's history in that competition.

On This Day...
Pick a date/month from the boxes below and click 'View Matches' to see a list of all the matches that Hyde have played on that date.

Top Scorers Per Season
To view a list of Hyde's top goalscorers from seasons gone by, simply choose a season from the list below and click 'View Scorers'.

Most Appearances Per Season
If you want to see a list of which players appeared in the most games during past seasons, simply choose the season from the list below and click 'View Appearances'.

Career Statistics
To view a list of Hyde's most prolific players of all-time, choose which statistic you wish to view, and click the 'View Stats' button.

League Tables
On this website, you can view all of Hyde's league finishes since the club joined the Cheshire County League in 1930.

Click here to view all league tables from 1930 to present

List of Hyde United players of the year - Click Here

Attendance Statistics - Click Here

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