An unofficial site recording the results and player stats of the Tigers.

Welcome to

This site aims to chart the history of the club as both Hyde FC and Hyde United along with records of opponents played, results, league tables and player records. It is complete, minus a few missing lineups, back to the formation of Hyde United in 1919. Huge Thanks to Mike Pavasovic whose relentless research has provided much of the data this site uses.

6th April 2024: Hyde 2-1 FC United of Manchester
1st April 2024: Hyde 1-3 Macclesfield Town
30th March 2024: Worksop Town 1-0 Hyde
Database Statistics
*Not neccesarily club records*
Matches in DB:5410
Games won:2432
Games drawn:1080
Games lost:1898
Goals for:10914
Goals against:8925
Earliest match:01/09/1912
Latest match:06/04/2024
Biggest win:13-1
Biggest defeat:1-10
Players in DB:2183
Most apps:552(29)
Most goals:160
Highest crowd:3126
Lowest crowd:57

On This Day...(more)
No past results found for 26th July.
2024/2025 Appearances(more)
No stats found.
2024/2025 Goalscorers(more)
No stats found.

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